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【送禮第2回】求婚法寶:The Mrs. Box個人化刻字戒指盒



在這個美好的畫面,其實有一個方法令它更臻完美!上一篇blog文介紹過戒指上的個人化刻字,但其實戒指盒也可以自訂個人化設計。若然求婚時以美美的訂製戒指盒盛載著鑽戒,定必倍添難忘 ❤

在婚禮界相當有人氣的戒指盒品牌The Mrs. Box,可為大家製作出獨一無二的絲絨戒指盒,有不同形狀和大小、單戒或雙戒設計,以及極多顏色選擇,盒蓋可選絲戒或金屬片,然後可燙金或雕刻上英文名字首字母或個人化設計或句子。如此個人化的設計,更有紀念價值,於求婚過後亦可用作收納戒指,或於婚禮上使用。


快到聖誕佳節,亦是求婚佳期,Laine Jewellery特別送出The Mrs. Box最新款式「Will you marry me?」金屬刻字絲絨戒指盒,名額共2名(銀色、玫瑰金色各一個),每個價值 USD $115(約為港幣900)。

參加方法:請參閱我們的Instagram專頁 @lainejewellery



Elaine 💌

【💍 GIVEAWAY: The Mrs. Box Ring Box 💍】

What’s better than a romantic proposal? A proposal with an engagement ring presented in a customised box! 

The Mrs. Box specialises in personalised velvet ring boxes in a wide range of colours, shapes and sizes. Have your monogram or customised design engraved on a metal plate on the lid or foil embossed on velvet. These popular ring boxes add a special touch to your special occasion and make a memorable heirloom for protecting your rings.

@lainejewellery is giving away 2 pieces of the latest Bevel Single velvet ring box from The Mrs. Box engraved with ‘Will you marry me?’ (1 in rose gold, 1 in silver). Valued at USD $115 each. Check out our Instagram @lainejewellery for more details.


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